photos by Jared Smith
It’s safe to say there’s a sure fire flamingo trend happening these days, and I’m so totally all up on that train (don’t you love my way with words?)! Although I wouldn’t exactly call myself a yard ornament kind of girl, and that’s if I even had a yard, so you won’t find any plastic flamingos flocking around my town house. That being said, I’ve been known to get a little creative with my choice of plastic animals (not weird, I promise), and this time I’ve gone and made a DIY flamingo ring toss yard game that’s perfectly friendly for those of us that don’t have grass.
For those of you that do, congratulations! I’m slightly jealous, and you also get to skip the second half of this tutorial, so consider yourself winning today…

The rules to this game are fairly simple to make up, I say that because is there really a set way to play “ring toss”? I’m pretty sure every kid ever has played at least 1,000 different renditions of this game, so you can really use as many or as little flamingos as you want. The point of the game still stays the same: try to get as many rings around the target as possible.
You can line them all up, or make harder targets by spreading them out, with the ones further away being worth more points, totally up to you!
Plastic flamingos with stakes (you can use as many or as few as you want)
Spray paint in the colors of your choice (Use plastic surface specific spray paint so it will adhere better, and not chip off. You may need to prime them as well, depending on how glossy yours are!)
If you don’t have a yard: you’ll also need planters filled with heavy sand or packed down soil to stick the flamingos in. I spray painted mine to color coordinate because I’m anal like that.

Really, you don’t even need to do anything extra to create the game once you have the supplies, BUT, if you’re in this for the styling, you can spray paint each set of rings prettier colors. Just be sure each player as the same amount of colored rings to tell their scores apart.

You can skip the pots and just stick the flamingos straight into the ground if you have a nice grassy area available, if not, you can go ahead and fill mini planters with sand/soil to stick the flamingos in.

What do you guys think, isn’t this super cute? Our intern Kayla came up with the bright idea, and I just wanted to squeeze her for it!
I’ll feel like this would make a great Summer wedding reception game, too, or you still have plenty of time to bust this out for the 4th of July!
Sources – spray painted planters are from Ikea // Jared’s flamingo shoes are from Vans
Original article and pictures take sugarandcloth.com site
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