среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

DIY Floating Glitter Tumbler

DIY Floating Glitter Tumbler
DIY Floating Glitter Tumbler | studiodiy.com

Our craft assistant, Annie, and I were on the same page when it came to this DIY. I had just sent myself an email with a floating glitter idea when Annie goes… “Remember those glitter pouches you had in elementary school… we should make a mug version.” YES! I know you all know what we’re talking about. Where you could “squish” them and the glitter would move around!? Yes, those. Well, we made a floating glitter tumbler and now you can keep up those “drink more water” (*Raises Hand*) resolutions, while simultaneously lookin’ like you’re so schnazy you drink glitter. HA!

DIY Floating Glitter Tumbler | studiodiy.com

DIY Floating Glitter Tumbler | studiodiy.com

Clear Photo Tumbler (You could also do this with a travel mug.)

Glitter, Sequins and/or Metallic Confetti (We used a combination! Raid your stash or the craft store!)


DIY Floating Glitter Tumbler | studiodiy.com

1. Make your glitter mix. We mixed a bunch of different colors, shapes and sizes. You don’t want anything too big (it won’t fit inside the tumbler).

2. Unscrew the bottom of the tumbler and remove the papers from inside. Sprinkle or spoon in the glitter mixture.

3. Fill the compartment with water, as full as you’d like. I filled mine up as much as possible. Tightly screw the bottom back on and that’s it! Obviously, do not unscrew the bottom again unless you are over a sink, but you really have no reason to! Hand wash only!

DIY Floating Glitter Tumbler | studiodiy.com

DIY Floating Glitter Tumbler | studiodiy.com

DIY Floating Glitter Tumbler | studiodiy.com

Photos by Jeff Mindell | Craft Production by Annie Steward | Creative Direction by Kelly Mindell

I don’t think this will be the last floating glitter DIY you see here. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!

p.s. The Ultimate Guide to Confetti

Original article and pictures take studiodiy-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com site

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