среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

Friday Fav’s

Friday Fav’s

Hey friends!

It’s Friday.

And boy am I glad. I’ve been suffering from a serious case of next-dayitis; my Monday was my Tuesday, my Tuesday was my Wednesday, etc.

One more reason why I am super excited that it’s Friday?

There is only one more Friday that stands between me and Opening day of the Milwaukee Brewers!!!! I may or may not have already started packing. Speaking of packing, I’ve noticed that most of my luggage consists of winter coats, long underwear, Brewer hats, mittens, scarves and boots. Judging from the lovely Wisconsin spring weather that they have been having up there, this game is going to be a bit chilly, feeling more a Packer game than a baseball game.

But that’s okay.

Even more reason so drink beer and eat lots of hot dogs/nachos/giant pretzels to stay warm, right?

But between now and then, there stands this amazing weekend I’ve got planned. Tomorrow I’m having a gals’ day with my girl Eric, shopping till we drop and then on Sunday, I’ve got a long day of playing DVR/Nook catch-up. It’s supposed to be rainy and icky out both days and I can’t think of anything better than cuddling up with a good book, an episode of The Office (can you believe its that last season?!), and my pup to keep me company (and by keep my company, I mean sitting on my lap on the ready just in case a piece of my cookie or sandwich happens to fall within his drooling grasp–gotta love him).

The. Best.

I hope you’ve got some fun activities on the horizon too, and in the meantime, please enjoy my favorite finds from around the web and beyond in this week’s Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!

Favorite sweet: Chocolate-covered Pretzels. Cookies. Chocolate-covered pretzels IN cookies. Yes! Yes! My goodness yes!


Favorite furball. I’ve looked at this photo at least 100 times this week, and it cracks me up every single time. I love how he (or she) is staring at a spot on the wall, concentrating SO HARD on getting that little tongue to curl. Precious!


Favorite devour: Italian Drunken Noodles. The only thing I like better than this blog post (it’s a great read) is the recipe for Italian Drunken Noodles within it. Total comfort food – I am so down!


Favorite artsy-fartsy: Come with a story and leave with another. This artist creates artwork that have your favorite storybook characters hidden within storybook characters! How neat! Any guesses as to which story/character this guy comes from?


Favorite funky find: This is such a cool idea: a bean bag for your book. I must admit I sometimes have the darndest time finding the right position to comfortably read a book, and this seems like a pretty amazing way to solve that.


Favorite thrill: The First Flyer – Grindelwald, Switzerland. I have always wanted to go ziplining through a jungle, but I think speeding down a mountain on a 2,400 foot cable, reaching speeds of 55mph just about sounds like the most fun thing ever. Look at those views!


Favorite yum: Krispie Treat Pinwheels. Snap, crackle, pop into my mouth! How cute (and easy to do)! With Easter just around the corner, these tasty little guys are sure to be a big hit!


Favorite Life Lesson: My friend Chris posted this on Facebook the other day and it really resonated with me. “There are two types of people in this world: those who are inspired, and those that inspire.” Which one are you?

Favorite fashion find: Need I say more?


Favorite project: Travel Keepsake Kits. I always have the best intentions of making photo books when I come back from fun trips but it rarely ever happens. A fun keepsake kit to hold maps, ticket stubs, and other fun mementos is an awesome alternative!


Favorite funny: And that, my friends is how baby carrots are made. Cannot. Stop. Giggling. And yes, I have the maturity level of a five year old.


Be sure to check out my past Friday Fav’s here

Original article and pictures take secure.gravatar.com site

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